Welcome to a new post! Today I will talk about the changes I would make to my study program.

I really like my career, however I would change a couple of things like for example the excessive academic load since I think that there are contents that are not so indispensable and that with 6 years of career the academic load should be a little more alleviated. 

The subjects corresponding to my plan of study this year are: Diagnosis for Professional Practice, Simulations for Professional Practice, Health Promotion, Anthropology and Evidence Based Dentistry, In addition to these 5 subjects I also took English and Strategic Learning in college.

The workload of the career is quite dense, I am almost all day in classes or studying. My most free days are Wednesdays and Fridays where I only have 2 university branches however I always use them to catch up with other university branches. 

Regarding online learning, it has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages that I like the most is that I don't have to get up at 5 am to go to university, however the disadvantages sometimes overcome me, like having to depend on my own autonomy to see the classes and sometimes I don't see them when it's due and I start to delay with the subject. 

As for the use of technology I think it also has its advantages and disadvantages, it is good to have the information in a click or to be able to see the classes through the screen as many times as I want, but I also consider it a danger as being on the computer for a long time can damage the eyesight or a bad search on the internet can end in problems.

I think the teaching is very good, however sometimes I feel that there are too many teachers in one subject and that makes it difficult to create links since it is common that they change the teachers according to the classes.

that's all! thanks for reading:)


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