
 Hello, today I will tell your about my experience at the university. 

I chose this topic because it is one of the important things I have lived this year and because it is something totally new to me.

when I was imagining myself entering college I really didn't expect that my first year outside online, so the first semester was very hard for me because it was a different pace than school and the academic load was high. This second semester I feel a little more relaxed and confident. 


As this year I didn't go to the university in person, I don't know the faculty except in pictures, I would have liked to know it and have face-to-face classes, meet my classmates and see my professors, however in spite of the situation, I feel that I have learned a lot.


 I would like in the near future to be able enter face-to-face and have my group of friends, and in the distant future to be able to graduate and be working in what I like, maybe study a postgraduate degree and then start building a family.

