My future job

Welcome to a new post! Today I'll tell you about my future job...

I am currently studying dentistry, I like this career because as in every health career you help people and also because it is a practical and dynamic career, and I think I have good fine motor skills, so I would like my future job to be oriented in this profession. 

I imagine myself working in a clinic with patients, since there are several things you can do as a dentist besides dealing with patients, such as working in a laboratory, as a teacher, in research, etc., however, working with patients limits me to working indoors, although it is not something that bothers me.

I think if I had the opportunity to travel for work I would do it, but it's not my priority when it comes to finding a job, so I'm not interested in traveling a lot as part of my job.

If you were to ask me where I want to work, the truth is that I do not have it very clear, I think a private or public clinic would be fine, although to be honest I do not know the workings of each, but for now that does not worry me.

that's all! thanks for reading:)


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