Welcome to a new post! Today I will talk about the changes I would make to my study program. I really like my career, however I would change a couple of things like for example the excessive academic load since I think that there are contents that are not so indispensable and that with 6 years of career the academic load should be a little more alleviated. The subjects corresponding to my plan of study this year are: Diagnosis for Professional Practice, Simulations for Professional Practice, Health Promotion, Anthropology and Evidence Based Dentistry, In addition to these 5 subjects I also took English and Strategic Learning in college. The workload of the career is quite dense, I am almost all day in classes or studying. My most free days are Wednesdays and Fridays where I only have 2 university branches however I always use them to catch up with other university branches. Regarding online learning, it has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages that I like ...