
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021


Welcome to a new post! Today I will talk about the changes I would make to my study program. I really like my career, however I would change a couple of things like for example the excessive academic load since I think that there are contents that are not so indispensable and that with 6 years of career the academic load should be a little more alleviated.  The subjects corresponding to my plan of study this year are: Diagnosis for Professional Practice, Simulations for Professional Practice, Health Promotion, Anthropology and Evidence Based Dentistry, In addition to these 5 subjects I also took English and Strategic Learning in college. The workload of the career is quite dense, I am almost all day in classes or studying. My most free days are Wednesdays and Fridays where I only have 2 university branches however I always use them to catch up with other university branches.  Regarding online learning, it has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages that I like ...


Welcome to a new post on my blog, I hope you are doing well....  Today's topic is time travel... would you go to the past or to the future? Personally I would not like to travel to the future, knowing what is going to happen and then relive it as a deja vu I think I would lose the magic of living, however if I would like to travel to the past, maybe not to change anything because everything that has happened has led me to be who I am, but if I would travel to meet iconic characters, see how the earth was in the beginning or meet some ancient peoples, find out how they lived many years ago and learn more about it. I don't know where I would go, maybe to ancient Rome or Egypt when the Pharaohs still ruled, that would be the best outlook. If I could choose to go with someone, I would go with my boyfriend or my older sister, because they are the people who are always with me and would accompany me until the end of the world and no matter the day or the weather, I know I can always ...

My future job

Welcome to a new post! Today I'll tell you about my future job... I am currently studying dentistry, I like this career because as in every health career you help people and also because it is a practical and dynamic career, and I think I have good fine motor skills, so I would like my future job to be oriented in this profession.  I imagine myself working in a clinic with patients, since there are several things you can do as a dentist besides dealing with patients, such as working in a laboratory, as a teacher, in research, etc., however, working with patients limits me to working indoors, although it is not something that bothers me. I think if I had the opportunity to travel for work I would do it, but it's not my priority when it comes to finding a job, so I'm not interested in traveling a lot as part of my job. If you were to ask me where I want to work, the truth is that I do not have it very clear, I think a private or public clinic would be fine, although to be hon...