My biography

Hello my name is ruth salazar i was born in the commune of buin in august 2001, so i am currently 19 years old I live with my parents and 2 sisters.

My parents were also born in Buin, my mother's name is Ruth Diaz and she was born in May 1976 and my father's name is Luis Salazar and he was born in December 1975. My older sister's name is Nadia Salazar and she is 20 years old (born August 2000) and my younger sister's name is Ignacia Salazar and she is 16 years old (born October 2004).


I studied at the Liceo Cardenal Caro de Buin, a professional technical school, where I graduated with a degree in business administration with a mention in logistics and did my internship in January of this year. I am currently studying dentistry at the University of Chile and I entered this year (2020), I was very hesitant because I did not know if I was going to achieve the score but it was what I wanted to study and I achieved the score I needed.

I like animals a lot, we have three dogs (Rolo, Kito and Condesa; we had a fourth dog but he died three weeks ago, his name was doker and he was a Saint Bernard), we also have birds and I have a hedgehog called Bicho.

Among the things I like are soccer (play on a small team here in Buin), drawing and singing.

We are currently moving to Rancagua so I don't see much of my parents since they spend all week there and I stay here in Buin because there is no signal there.



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