
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

My favorite photo

    Hello class, today I will talk to you about one of the pictures that I like the most... This photo was taken by me with my phone for New Year's Eve 2018, it shows my younger sister dressed in black, my older sister dressed in red, my mom dressed in calypso and me dressed in navy blue. It's a date we quite like, so we manage to make a difference with the rest of the days of the year.   It is one of my favorite pictures because they are the people I love the most (along with my dad who doesn't show up) and I think it reflects all the happiness I feel when we are together, they are everything to me, plus it is a special date because every year we spend New Year's Eve as a family, we do different things, so I could say it is one of my most important dates. That's all.


 Hello, today I will tell your about my experience at the university.  I chose this topic because it is one of the important things I have lived this year and because it is something totally new to me. when I was imagining myself entering college I really didn't expect that my first year outside online, so the first semester was very hard for me because it was a different pace than school and the academic load was high. This second semester I feel a little more relaxed and confident.    As this year I didn't go to the university in person, I don't know the faculty except in pictures, I would have liked to know it and have face-to-face classes, meet my classmates and see my professors, however in spite of the situation, I feel that I have learned a lot.    I would like in the near future to be able enter face-to-face and have my group of friends, and in the distant future to be able to graduate and be working in what I like, maybe study a postgraduate degree...